Is It a Savvy or Shady Strategy for Reaching Customers? – InstantFollowerz

Modern marketing is a mess that thrust from the Yesterear – and I love it. It is less due to forcing your message to people and more about help. Howver, personality marketing is one strategy that still dancing the line between smart and shady to many, including your truly.

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As traders are working on going into the bosses of our audience and understand what the excuse says. We learn who they are, their age and interests, but personal marketing pushes the envelope in psychometry or deeper psychological features.

He also raises the question of the Wen Marketing Manipulative Tournament, and that was not to be shouldered. Let’s talk about what is the marketing personality and how to use it efficiently and ethical.


What is a personality marketing?

Personality marketing actually goes by many names. Some are called personal marketing marketing, personal-theory marketing other, and some psychometric marketing. But no matter what you decide on this strategic rose, it’s a marketer occupies a deeper psychological feature of their ideal customers to achieve more efficiently.

I know what you mean: “It just sounds like Research of the customer’s person or segmentationRamona. Hubspot loves those things. “And yes, we work and are pretty similar.

But the marketing personality is outside the surface demographics such as old age and sex. It stretches at motivations, fears, values, relationships and emotional conditions.

There are several different personal brand theories can explore here (eg. Myers-briggs, Disk), But one of the most popular is “large 5” or ocean: openness, conscientiousness, exposure, agreement and neurotism.

United Kingdom Market Research Agency Brendspeak Talks say about us:

  • Openness: Intellect or imagination, curiosity and creativity
  • Conscientiousness: Trendance according to Organization / Structure
  • Extrooperation: Energy source in terms of interactions with others
  • Aggressive: Orientation to others; How are they together with others
  • Neurotism: Self-confidence, how much is someone in your skin


Whtever Factors you finish by analyzing, personal marketing aims to unpack “Why” bend obviously qualities (what) and buying behavior (how).

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Advantages of personality marketing

So the aim of the strategy is to better withdraw with your Boyer, right? Well, when you do, it can lead to some great advantages. The most vainer is More relevant messages and content.

One of the highest examples of personality marketing is controversial of Cambridge Analytica and FacebookBut you Executive Director of the Consulting Company after explanation This aspect of good marketing well.

He said, “It allows us to be lowered with our messages. Instead of serving the same ad for 100 million people … [we] Personal personality people can also change creative to echo with individuals based on the way the world sees. “

You can see this idea in action in the promotion of Apple watches.

Apple targets its loyal database of technicians who want the latest new gadget in promoting up, but also complains of lovers of health and fitness that want to track their website.

Screenshot of the Apple Watch website that points out the exchange of health


Not to mention inherent Gamification.

Each audience has very different motivations to buy, so they need a very different message to take action and Apple Stream.

64% of consumer delay They left the brand If experience is not personalized Or relevant, so this is not an unguarded idea.

More personalized and relevant messages may mean Increase link and trust In your brand, even the audience don’t feel like you say, “I say.” This creates a A better customer experienceAnd Ideally, over time, all these elements gather Sale and sale of non-use.

The amount of personality marketing

As with any marketing, personal marketing must be strategic to take advantage of, but more imports in this case, should be directed on dilemmas and controls that can be with it.

What is the big drama with personal marketing, you ask? It really comes down to privacy and ethics.

Data privacy

At the age of the data violations and the privacy settings are normal, critics are concerned that brands gather psychological details that have in personal marketing.

Is it through the forms on your website, Market research, Or SOCIAL MEDIA-based infections, traders must be careful about where they gather their psychometry and if they have legal rights to use.

Accounting in Twilio’s 2024 State Customer Engagement Report, 60% of consumers Say that protecting their data is the main way to build their trust. So these are clear consumers today increase in how their meeting is shared and used.

Each abuse of this can be extrually damaged by your brand. Meta, Amazon and T-Mobile are just Some of the corporations This faced the back and ended for data transfer and privacy violations.


In adding the way they receive their information, personal merchants must be careful as they are use That date. This is big for me.

See, I love marketing; I wanted to work that, I was a teenager. But I always fought with this perception that traders are manipulative.

For some, we try to cheat others to buy things, as false promises to shorter money. We are like a stereotypical “cute car dealer” or whoever sold a magical bean in “Jack and Gramova. It is an ugly image to fasten to.

It’s far – I was happy The industry visited more entry When I entered the workforce, but now personal marketing adds a different layer of potential behavior.

The marketing personality encourages the brand to satisfy deeper care and tendencies of the target audience. This is great if we use it to create a better experience for consumers and kindergartens what they need – but the facts are not all using information for good.

Think about it: Leading is the usual practice in marketing.

We often emphasize common problems to get the attention of our audience, and then introduce our product as a solution. And in this regard is not working. If your product actually solve the problem, great – you help someone. I’m here for that.

But when do retailers create a threat or fear in people who don’t exist easy to sell? It’s a fear-mongering – and a heavy passage for me.

If you know that your audience has a certificate concession or psychological sensitivity, they are silent that the busy purchase is non-go. This is to take advantage of something that a person can’t control to say to buy something right?

HISS & HERS, for example, Open in warm water Earlier this year after their super advertisement advertisements expressed a deep criticism of the American medical system of weight loss like Ozepic before presenting her medications as an alternative.

Violate FDA has recently published concerns Through the disapproved versions of GLP-1 drugs, such as complex semaglutides that offer it and hers. So, the fear-based messages set up a lot of hung.

Many AE tools are guilty and that, although in masses in the masses in Les Dangeruerius, as Komičar Alex Falcone explained:

But I’m touching. Not only is the fear of mongensions morally not thrown, it’s just a bad job.

Of course, you may receive speed, but in the long run, that customer will probably understand that you cheated. They will not buy them again and they can tel and others about what happened. Your long-term reputation will be shot for short-term gain.

Bottom line: It is better to stay on the right side of personal marketing, but how exactly do you do that?

How to implement personality marketing in your strategy ethical

Again, the marketing personality is not wrong for yourself. It is essentially just a deeper segmentation of the audience and it was a merchant marketing marketing generation. So how can you ensure that you keep it and don’t move into the dark side?

Here is some kind to keep in mind.

1. Make “psychometry” part of a large person.

Information about your personality market should be all you know the audit, but part of your big bar. Do you buy people a documentary profile of your ideal customer that you create from the audience and market research.

Includes essential information such as demographics, but also behavior, interests, challenges, goals and other psychological properties. Here you should live your psychometry.

Seeing to say along with other Git’s details I say more context. It gives you, as a marketer, a rounded, complete picture of your customer to make decisions, not the analysis say in the Cilo.

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Customer Screenshot Macer


2 Be transparent about how to gather and use data.

Where you get your personality, marketing data can definitely be a place of content so safe to choose the audio research methods. Expands that research, interview or listening to SOCIAL MEDIA, Among other methods.

Whtever, be honest and transparent about it is that place and how you intend to use the date. This is especially imported if someone explicitly shares your data with someone would be on the form on your website.

On that leg …

3. Follow the Privacy and Regulations Act

Different countries and regions may have different data collection and use laws, such as GDPR in the European UnionFor example.

When collecting data for your personality marketing or otherwise, your checkout will guarantee, respect all laws and regulations.

4. Ashes: “Does this help my audience?”

Ultimately, all marketing, based on personality or not, should be given to your customer what they want and should feel comfortable buy from you. It’s to say, not you.

So, before you post or start any Dinging, Sami Kas, “Is this useful to my audience?”

If so, you will be helpful and a long drive. But if not, and the effect is independent or potentially harmful to your audience, it is probably not a structural or ethical sound.

With great marketing comes a big deal

When you finish well, personal marketing helps us to better understand our audience and create messaging that actually echo (instead of shouting in the emptiness).

But if traders cross the ino manipulation, fear or indentation of privacy, they only risk their reputation – eroding confidence in the first row.

Know your audience, respect their limits and always aim to help, not harm. If you can do this, personal marketing can absolutely be a Savvy strategy – not shady.

Editor’s Note: This post was genuine published in September 2023. year and was updated for comprehensiveness.

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