How Our Events Team Saved Thousands using AI for INBOUND ’24 – InstantFollowerz

When HubSpot’s global team event had their first mountain planning of the sons of the input 2024, they were not sure about the creative direction they were.

He enters

One was clear Thugh: Gioven how huge has become in the last few years, they know they would somehow involve it.

I linked to find out more about the important role that he played in the pre-production – from the creation of attractive visual eyes with Midjourney To target programs with Claude.

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Making fresh interstititive

Before the entrance 2024, the team maintained the Ossit interitities quite consistent year, which are held for static visual images and light animations.

It was time to change.

Instead of graphics that would wouuld disappeared in the background, they wanted to create a more interchangeable Athemas who want to get involved.

“He was great this year, and we got an introduction to Midjourney and the work that Eduardo was with the tool,” he said All aaverHubpot production manager who led cooperation. “We decided to look into which we would add more interest in our screens, create a new element so that people can look at that spark conversation, if they are waiting in between.”

Team Global Events Eduardo Garcia-LopezWho runs HubSpot’s team of visual design, to presents the production of fresh interrogate with HPP – uses Midjourney to generate flat, 2D images and videos and animation runways.

They didn’t try to make something new, he says, but they want to push her branding.

“We didn’t want to feed like,” Oh yes, this is very on a brand. We just got an observation, “Garcia-Lopez said.” We wanted to explore, because he gives worldstands – you can take it anywhere you want, but styill the same style brand. “

After some brainstorming, they settled on three topics:

  • The umbrella theme for input, which was very abstract and closed related to the Mark Hubpot.
  • Extended brand for each phase.
  • Third, surreal, abstract City theme

A creative process with that

From the beginning to complete, the team took approximately the month and a half to generate 28 finals, with a 14-minute job time adjusted for seven types of screen in place.

Starting with basic forms, graders and colors that have always been the foundation for inbound graphics, Garciaz fed those initial images in Midjourney.

Entrance forms

This allowed him to generate initial ideas and options for plays in the Global Event team.

With him, a person who leads to encouraging becomes the director, he says.

“You say that.” Here is my vision. Now, go out and do it, “he says,” It takes a while, but if you compare it to the team, someone still someone to drive vision. “

Once both teams combined on the final 2D images for each phase and location, Garcia-Lopez headed for a runway for Mini Video Shorts and Animation.

Entrance main phase

“It is necessary to create Boston Mini Paper City, generating all straight images and creating a book plate, entering a runway and animating all words,” he says. “Then I entered Adobe Premiere to edit the whole thing.”

He also used Topaz, and editing software that improves the quality of AI videos.

I wondered, how much he gone gone to cost it if the team was working with the local to create these Assets in Oldorms.

Garcia-Lopez estimates that they are looking for a 30-second clip, at least two weeks and thousands of dollars.

It was said, Midjourney was not exempted from the oddness that are happy when you mimic reality.

“What I presented the team was the most interesting, most frequent options, but bend curtains, there are many generations that do not go well,” Garciaz says. “It was a very syllable. You have something that something weird happens – Buzz goes with each other, buses run into people, like all these strange things.”

What took a lot of time to identify the best of such and cleaning inconsistencies, he says. Fortunately, he works quickly.

“We read in days. We would have new opportunities in a few hours, so it was just, very soon,” Garcia-Lopez said. “As a designer, we would need a big team for delivery of all these funds, illustration for all the variation of styles.”

Midjourney’s Assist, he managed to create 25 different styles – the result called “almost unimaginable” in the time they had.

“You need a big team with specific skills to achieve a certain style,” he says, “and we were able to go and choose what we wanted.”

He is with IT restrictions.

When I posted Garcia-Lopez about the challenges of designs that come with exploitation, he said there was a large person who is not forgotten.

“Editing something is actually quite difficult. With a file with decorating, like vector design in Adobe Illustrator, you can change every detail,” he says. “With Midjourney and Tim AI tools, it’s not that.”

It’s a myth that’s fast, he says. For example, smart in color, you may not always get exactly the same colors that you would achieve from the color palette. But you can get something pretty close.

Aaver echoes to feel.

“It was a great learning experience for us as approval and reviewers,” she said, “Learning what we can and cannot give feedback, what is simple change, which is not that simple.”

In addition, he does most of the work, contrary to the popular belief. There is a lot to go back to Adobe and then back into one to get the results you want., Garcia-Lopez.

“You can do a lot with a small team, but you need skills in another software and a good background to solve the tears of these changes,” adds.

Making custom adegra agendas

In addition to interspace interstitations, the global team of events also visited an anthropic CLAUD for creating assets.

“We wanted to consider security and we love Claude Becses, does not train the date of the entry,” said Matt Diaz, a team leading in Hubspot’s team of Global Events. “It has a large context window so we can convey a lot of information to train it and give the use of exit keeping that information for its system.”

They wanted to develop Patterns Person and create targeted agendas, which would be used to promote events in interactive “Choose your inbound adventure” Quiz.

Agenda input targeted

The first step of the team entered Claude to create targeted programs, based on entrance sessions and speakers, their customer and goals and goals.

“He could have been with a minute,” Diaz says, “it was really detailed, it was amazing.”

Their next step was instructions to ensure that each agenda be unique, with overlapping sessions, making Surat to add chatbot for context and reasoning.

The process two to three rounds of reviews, such as Claude Wouuld sometimes hallucinates, creating seasons or speakers that did not exist.

Which process stream of mess than full day, according to the team.

“If you hired a team to do, you say more days,” Diaz says, “and they will hit you over the head of money. And it was the price of Claude Pro subscription.”

Once their target daily rows were built, they created a dedicated person for each agenda. This included marketing focused on the manager held by HE and a marketing technologist, a sales character such as a strategist for the Mart, and the founder inspired like the data leader.

Input targeted persons

The second half of this project included creating a personality test that was that the Atmeme could take to match their person in the target agenda.

“We worked assuming that, especially on SOCIAL MEDIA, people don’t want to go and find out who they were,” he said Sarah HughesSOCIAL MEDIA lead to Global Events. “They like to be toys who are through these quizzes or personal tests.”

Choose your own input adventure quiz

The biggest challenge was killing that the stagnation system for the scoring had the prospects for each agenda, ie. Watch all the quiz did not come up with the same target ages.

“Claude got us approximately 85% of the road, and then came to realize that scoring the rubric and creates a surgeon than had a sense of all Parson,” said the higher manager of the content Lanna Ngyen.

They posted it Input blogVacation traffic via email and social channels. Say that it was aligned on the succession.

“In all our Blog 2024, that was the third ranked in terms of impression of the bending of the second pond that made a lot of paid band.” Said Lanna.

This quiz became a valuable resource for leading, prospects and attended, she adds.

With so much “they went on the course, this is during the study in a small case in order to correct.

New call to action

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